Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Heritage Conservation District

The neighbourhood just to the west of the U of Toronto downtown campus is known as Harbord Village and part of it has been declared a Heritage Conservation District which means that no major changes can be made to the buildings there. There is a great variety of homes there such as the white house with the great porch which I showed you a few days ago. This house is just around the corner from it and it has been beautifully restored and maintained. Most of these homes were built in the late 1800s and feature wonderful craftsmanship such as you see here.


  1. ...beautiful, but how do you wash the side windows?

  2. Everything about this place is wonderful. I love that brickwork.

  3. Wow! I would love to be a the very top peeking out that pretty window at the wonderful details just under the roofline!

  4. This kind of brickwork is also very common in amsterdam.

  5. I do like your photo of this historic home. Historic neighborhoods are certainly worth protecting and saving.

  6. Beautiful, love those nice wooden doors.

  7. Everything about this house speaks of another age. It has amazing details. And the tiny slice of the one next door is nice, too. I don't think I've seen brickwork like this on the West Coast (it doesn't stand up to earthquakes).

  8. So much detail Pat, beautiful brickwork ✨

  9. Such a lovely front design and you are right not so much room between the houses!

  10. Now, isn't this an unusual house!
