Wednesday, July 25, 2018


I spotted this little sign in a garden recently and thought it was perfect for these times when so many people are walking around with earphone on their heads. They can't hear other people let alone hear the birds!  
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. ...I was out yesterday taking pictures and the birds were singing up a storm. 😀

  2. I like this sign, I am always listening for the birds. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  3. I couldn't agree more. I'd hate to be missing the songs of our little feathered friends.

  4. Absolutely delightful sign Pat, people with phones plugged in their ears not only look daft talking to the air but miss out on life sounds too ☺
    P.s. the Lorikeets are quite small birds I was just right close up in their personal space 😀

  5. And the birds are so much more pleasant.

  6. What a great sign!! I love it!

  7. Yes, folks are losing the relationship with themselves, silence, the world around

  8. Great sign, Pat. I hear the birds sing early in the morning around 4:30. There is a telephone pole right in front of the bedroom window which in on the second floor and when you look at it, you're looking at the very top. Every morning there is some kind of rumble and screaming between a couple of birds who want to stand there and there is only room for one. :)

  9. A nice reminder.
    Have you noticed that there seems to be more birdsong this year?!

  10. I never have on a pair of headphones :) I always enjoy hearing the birds in the morning.

  11. Good sign. My Grandmother could identify most birds by listening to their songs. She had a good ear.

  12. You are so right Pat. People are shutting out the world around them.
