Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Salsa on St Clair

A section of St Clair Ave was closed for the weekend of July 7 & 8 for the 14th annual Salsa On St Clair which is a large Latin street party featuring Hispanic culture, music, & food. There are dance demonstrations and lessons along the street as well as 2 large stages with ongoing entertainment. One of the highlights of the day is always the Samba Squad which you see here. They play world music featuring drums and have to be one of the most diverse groups you will ever find. They have members of different ages, ethnicity, & gender and it all works so well!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Multiculturalism is working very well in Toronto.

  2. I love it when they close roads for street parties! It's always a good time!

  3. I bet there was a lot of toe tapping going on there Pat.. Street music on a warm summer day is fabulous!

  4. That's something I can't recall hearing about before. Good shot!

  5. What a great group of people and what a fun event. It's one of those events I'd love to attend.

  6. Sounds like fun and what a great group photo. Nice one Pat.

  7. ...dancing in the street, what fun! 😀

  8. Hello, looks like a fun time. The Samba Squad would neat to see.
    Enjoy your day!

  9. Street parties are usually fun - and more so if there's dancing!

  10. Oh what a fabulous party! And that's only based on your picture and words; I wish I could have heard the music!! What fun. (And how well it speaks of your City and Country (many of us are envious of you these days.)
