Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Stop And Smell The Basil

This is another sign that I found in a garden at the Veterans Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. This basil really has a wonderful fragrance.  
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. ...sensory gardens are healing gardens.

  2. Hello,

    I wish my computer screen had a rub and sniff option. I love basil.

    Enjoy your day!

  3. The growing season for herbs is short, but I love the flavours and odors when cooking~

  4. Great sign! I love the smell of basil!

  5. I love the smell of basil. Do you ever clip any off and take it home? I would certainly be tempted. In fact, I had basil leaves on my chicken sandwich for lunch yesterday.

  6. Great sign and that just for the pleasure of a nice smell. I like that.

  7. I would definitely do that Pat, love the smell of basil 🌿

  8. Oddly enough, my sense of smell is rather under-developed. It would have to be a strong smell for me to pick up on.

  9. I really like these garden signs, I looked at their website after seeing your first post on them.

  10. I love basil, the smell just says sunshine.

  11. The wonderful smell of basil, one of our favorite herbs. We have a fresh basil plant sitting outside our door.

  12. I have several basil plants - love the smell
    (and the squirrels have gotten to my tomatoes as well!)

  13. I do like basil, especially in sauces and other foods. It is one of the few herbs I sometimes grow.

  14. I can smell it all the way in Sydney. ;)

  15. Rub and sniff . . . good idea. Elizabeth Park has a good-smelling herb garden and my daughter is growing a lot of herbs and aromatics, too.

  16. I don't need a sign to tell me to rub and sniff basil! It must be one of the best herbal scents, not to mention the flavor that goes with it. (Basil has a starring role in my post this Saturday.)

  17. Love that sign and basil is wonderful! Quite a few stands at our Farmers Market have it and the aroma is wonderful.

  18. It smells as wonderful as it tastes!
