Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Botanical Gardens

A couple of weeks ago on a very warm and humid day I decided to visit the Toronto Botanical Gardens. It was lovely to see all the flowers but it was really too warm to wander around for a long time and it was actually quite crowded with people despite what it looks like in this pic!


  1. Isn't summer wonderful--even when it seems too warm?

  2. ...a wonderful place to explore.

  3. You are being too generous using the word warm. It was HOT! ;-)

  4. Beautiful! I love to visit Botanical Gardens, but I am waiting for cooler weather. And I am hoping we all have prolonged pleasant temperatures this Autumn before the Winter cold arrives.

  5. So you're still feeling the heat there Pat, it's still raining and a wee bit chilly here.. those seasons are really holding on! Such a lovely composition here, so beautifully green and lush ✨

  6. Your photo makes it look very elegant. I haven't been to the botanical garden here since April. I'm hoping to get back there as soon as it's nice enough to be out side again. I can relate to the "hot" part. We don't get as humid as you do and I know how that compounds things.

  7. This is a lovely photo but I know what you mean about the humidity. I can barely stand to be outside in it myself and where I live the heat makes it unbearable! I am ready to some cooler weather.

  8. Hello, it is a shame about the humidity. The gardens look beautiful. Have a happy day!

  9. What a nicely composed photo, Pat.

  10. SWMBO and I have different views of temperature. She says "it's hot outside" and I say "No, it's not, it's balmy." Whereupon she's likely to say "YOU'RE balmy!"

  11. I congratulate you on this shot. Warm and humid melts my interest and resolve to do anything but find someplace cool.

  12. Yes, we get to see from the comfort of our own air-conditioning. This is a beautiful view.
