Thursday, September 27, 2018

Flowers From Shoes

This is a close-up of the window that was below yesterday's sign at the Bata Shoe Museum. Their window is showing the Provincial Floral Emblems of Canada made up with coloured sneakers and these three flowers are from our northern areas. On the right is the emblem of Nunavut, the Purple Saxifrage which is the first flower of spring in the Arctic. The middle one is the emblem of the Northwestern Territories, the Mountain Avens a part of the rose family. To the farthest left is the emblem of Yukon, the Fireweed which flowers in the Arctic from July through September. I'll show you a couple more tomorrow.


  1. What a clever display. It looks like they went to a lot of trouble to represent Canada in their display.

  2. Very cool and creative. I remember fireweed from my time in Alaska. It's very pretty.

  3. I'm beginning to think the mushroom is the emblem of the city where I live.

  4. This is so creative and colourful.

    All the best Jan

  5. That's very clever, especially as it represents provincial floral emblems.

  6. Great. Congrats for the inventor of this idea.

  7. Hello, that is a pretty display of shoes. A great window display! Have a happy day and weekend!

  8. There are all kinds of museums. A shoe museum is a new one to me.

  9. Wow. That is some colorful and creative artwork.
