Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Waiting For The Ferry

At the end of my evening on the Toronto Islands I waited for the ferry to arrive as the sun was heading down and the clouds were rolling in. It did start to rain later just as I was pulling into my garage. The ferry that came was too full to fit everyone so we all had to wait about 30 minutes until it came back for us.


  1. Apart from the tower our cityscapes are quite alike Pat. So you made it home just in time but I'm guessing you wouldn't have been worried either way 😉

  2. An interesting scene
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. You might have had to wait and extra 30 minutes but, you got a fabulous photo for your trouble. What a gorgeous skyline.

  4. An impressive view, a dramatic sky and you got home just in time. Mission completed. :)

  5. Sure hope you had a good day.
    Coffee is on

  6. Lovely skyline shot during the blue hour. It is my favorite time of day.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Luces al atardecer.Linda postal Pat!!

  9. Toronto has a pretty impressive skyline. It has become a big city.

  10. Well a bit of a wait, but such a pretty area to catch a few more views and possibly photos too!
