Thursday, October 18, 2018

Time To Get Ready

We have had some cold nights and so it is time to get plants ready to survive the winter storms ahead. Many people wrap their shrubs in burlap as these people have done up on their balcony. This is one of the cool laneway homes you can stumble across in older areas of the city.


  1. Is it that cold already Pat? I don't feel like you've had a proper autumn yet ☺

  2. A very modern design.

    We saw our first snow yesterday afternoon and into the evening.

  3. That's a nice house, I like it. It is really time for snow and cold, it seems like the seasons are changing faster now. What happened, Pat? :)

  4. It is that time of year!
    I am getting my potted plants inside this weekend

  5. Cold here too, got down to 34 last night.

  6. We've had several nights below freezing, most recently 27F (2.77C). Burlap? That might be an idea...
    I like the look of this house.

  7. Reminds me of a place we stayed at while we were in Canada!

  8. That looks like a new infill! They sure squeeze them in.

  9. Quite different styles between this place and the neighbour!

  10. Yes, it's happened here too. While I was in Alabama my hubby didn't cover anything and it even snowed. So all my goodies are just about all gone!
