Tuesday, November 6, 2018

A Fine Entrance

I was wandering around downtown in the King St W area and spotted this fine entrance along Adelaide St. The building was finished in 1915 and had been built for the Hugh MacLean Publications Company. That is a fine carved sandstone surround and the upper window is for the stairwell. I actually posted a pic of the side wall back in 2012 (HERE) showing the ghost sign that is there. There is still no condo next door - just a parking lot so the ghost sign is still visible.


  1. In those days they sure did know how to make grand entrance. lol

  2. As Andy points out, there were some good things about "the good old days," and one of those things was the way they constructed buildings, this entrance being a fine example of such construction. Today, things are put together more sloppily. And even if they are well-constructed, they are gaudy or cheap-looking, like the Trump Tower in Manhattan. This was well-spotted, Pat!

  3. ...nice details. I would have enjoyed seeing it before the addition of the aluminum door.

  4. Hello, there is nice decorative details on the entrance. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  5. The road number is very large and clearly visible.

  6. That door and window has been beautifully designed. That is the kind of thing you never see on new buildings.

  7. A very find entrance indeed! They need some vintage numbers to match!

  8. The framework around the door is spectacular!

  9. A grand entrance indeed! It could use a couple of old wooden doors to add some more character to it.

  10. That is a nice entrance. I'm glad the ghost sign is still there too!

  11. It is grand indeed Pat.. amazing that six years later the block to the side hasn't been built up yet!

  12. This is a beautiful entrance. I agree with Bill that a more traditional set of doors would be a better compliment. At least the frame still exists...and the ghost signs, too.

  13. Me gusta este enfoque de la fachada.
