Saturday, November 3, 2018

Surprising Sight

I spotted this Pileated Woodpecker in the gardens at the Veterans Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre as it bounced all around the trunk of this tree. The pic was taken through a window and the bird was about 150 ft away and moving so much that I didn't get the camera focused but I'm still thrilled to get this pic. These are really large woodpeckers and I haven't seen one in many years and didn't expect to see him in the city.   
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Lucky you. I can count on one hand the number of Pileated Woodpeckers that I have seen in my lifetime.

  2. Being alert to opportunities is always a good idea!

  3. Hello, Awesome capture of the Pileated woodie. They are fun to watch and hear.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  4. Oh well done Pat, despite the distance and speedy movement of the woodpecker you got a super shot. We don't have woodpeckers in Australia, we have tree creepers apparently ☺

  5. I have seen them more often out in the countryside.

  6. The Jackhammer bird :)
    Lovely sighting and nice capture!
    Happy WE, Pat.

  7. Wow, what a great find. Looks handsome even in a slightly fuzzy pic. You did very well to capture it.

  8. Wow, you can’t miss such bird. Great

  9. I do enjoy seeing the different Woodpeckers from around the world. This one is really nice.

  10. How thrilling to see this fellow. We don't see them down this way at all. Very lucky!

  11. Good catch. We have Ladder Backed Woodpeckers that visit here from time to time but they're not nearly as stylish as this fellow.

  12. Great capture, Pat. I've never seen any kind of woodpecker before. Thanks for sharing.

  13. You got a great shot of this rare bird. Well done.

  14. What a great siting and you got such a good photo! They are big and loud! We haven't seen one in awhile here! Hugs!

  15. At that distance, you were lucky to get a shot at all. Great job, Pat. Love these birds unless they're pecking right outside my bedroom window! They can drive one crazy. Sure are pretty, though.

  16. Bravo! Good for you! I don't think I've ever seen a Pileated. And woodpeckers are in seemingly constant motion. Great shot under the circumstances.

  17. What a wonderful sighting! I have not seen one in years!

  18. I see one every once in a while. Beautiful birds!

  19. Hello. You are lucky! It is a great woodpecker!

  20. What a great capture - lovely to see this bird.

    All the best Jan

  21. He is a good-looking gentleman.

  22. We have a lot of these right here in my own yard!

  23. Neat! I don't know if I have ever seen any kind of woodpecker, I think I have heard them though.
