Friday, December 14, 2018

Let's Play

This float was sponsored by Tim Hortons which is a Canadian institution being the largest fast food chain in the country. It is most famous for its coffee and donuts and the float features little Timbits playing a variety of sports. Timbits are the tiny donut balls made from the holes of regular donuts and kids love them! The baseball player has a broken arm here which they later fixed before the parade began.


  1. Oh wow, that is a great float!
    If I ever get to Canada again, I will have to try those little donut holes.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. What a nice parade! I'm sure the kids love all of it.

  3. Stª Claus cada día más cerca.
    Buen fin de semana Pat.

  4. This is so cute. I'm glad to hear that the baseball playing Timbit got bandaged up before the parade started.

  5. Tim Hortons they are everywhere... including the Santa Clause parade. ;-)

  6. What a cute and fun float, I bet the kids loved it. A nice touch adding the donuts to the side of the float.

  7. Hello, another great float. I have heard of Tim Hortons. I m glad the broken arm was fixed. Cute float! Enjoy your day and have a happy weekend!

  8. mmmm...donuts. Such a great parade.

  9. Tim Horton is one of my favorite Toronto persons! BTW, we have a lot of Ontario folks down this way. It's getting crowded. :) Love this shot; it is perfect and fun and captures well the joy of the season. Hope all is well with you. I'm OK, but it will take a bit longer before i can come back on a regular basis. Have a superb holiday with your family and friends!
