Saturday, December 22, 2018

Penguins & Pizza

Who would have guessed that penguins liked pizza but judging from this float, they do. I love the little guy on the right with his selfie stick catching a few shots.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Such cute penguins. That must be a fish pizza.

  2. Hello,

    What could be better than Pizza and Penguins. Cute float.

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

    I want to thank you for all the visits and comments on my blog this past year. I am looking forward to visiting your blog in 2019. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

  3. The penguin taking a selfie cracked me up. I'm always for pizza. :)

  4. Great! Which do I love more? [Pizza!]

  5. Everyone loves pizza, even the penguins

  6. What a fun and funny float. Penguins are one of my favorite avian groups. If I could imagine any bird eating pizza it would be a penguin...well, except for a vulture! :) Cool photo, Pat.

  7. Sure! Penguins and pizza. Perfect!

  8. I have had their Pizza, while at school at MAC, I think.
    Very cool float!
    Merry Christmas, Pat.
    Peace :)

  9. At last animals who love cold. If they love pizza's is an other question.
