Tuesday, January 8, 2019

An Annex Semi

Houses are big in the Annex neighbourhood even when they are semi-detached as this one is. The dividing line between these two runs up between those doorway arches and even cuts through the little gable at top. Most of the year this home is partly hidden by leaves so that is one nice thing about winter in that it reveals lovely things such as this house. This is a very pricey street with neighbours like Margaret Atwood who lives just a few houses down the road.


  1. What a beautiful place. I love the glow of the lamp in the window. I wonder if this was the neighborhood I stayed in back in the late 90's on a trip to Toronto. My friend and I stayed at a bed and breakfast place in a beautiful old brick house that looked something like this.

  2. Love the architecture and that cozy, comfortable appearance through the window.

  3. Goodness I like that author and this beautiful, stately house looks like one she would have as well!

  4. Fortunately, it doesn't cost anything to look at the houses in this neighborhood! And with you sharing your photos, we get a chance to share in its beauty. The only problem I would have is that because they are relatively old, some of their fundamental parts may not be up to code or may have rotted away. It does look so cold, too, Pat! I saw some Torontians here at Trilogy the other day and I almost confronted them to ask if they knew Red Pat from that fair city. But I soon regained my sanity and went home to dinner! :)

  5. I love this house and the glow of the lamp in the window is spectacular.

  6. One of the picturesque neighbourhoods in T.O.

  7. Gorgeous! The bricked up windows on the side caught my eye.

  8. Oh! I wanna see Ms. Atwood's house!

  9. It looks lovely. Beautiful neighborhood, I'm sure.

  10. They do look really special Pat and lovely and cosy there in the wintery weather. The window view adds so much to the shot, nice work ✨

  11. Great houses. So they are not build anymore.
