Saturday, January 19, 2019

An Elegant Dog

You don't see too many Standard Poodles around these days - there seems to be a huge population of Labradoodles here. I've have had two good Standard Poodle friends and they are such fun dogs as well as being so elegant. This one had just walked up the 110 steps leading to Casa Loma like there was no effort involved at all.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello,
    I have not seen many poodles lately. This one must be in good shape or just happy to keep up with it's human. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  2. When I lived on the other side of town, my neighbors (and friends) had two standard poodles. In fact, they still do. I just don't see them very often any longer. I agree, they are great dogs.

  3. A friend of mine has one of those dogs. They are definitely cute.

  4. Poodles seem to be a dog that went in and out of favor, almost like a fashion. Too bad. I understand they're very smart.

  5. we always had regular poodles when i was growing up, they were such beautiful dogs. this looks to be a pretty standard poodle, aways nice to see them enjoying a walk!!!

  6. Man's (and woman's) best friend!

  7. 110 steps.. yikes! Were you walking up the steps also Pat ✨

  8. The favorite dogs of the french elite.

  9. Standard poodles are the best poodles. I've always wondered how they'd look without any haircuts their whole life?

  10. We don't and they are so very sweet!

  11. Standard Poodles are very smart Police Dogs (in France?).
    Lovely share, Pat!

  12. I have to say, I don't think they are particularly cute dogs, but there is something about them! There is one in my neighbourhood and I like seeing him walk by.

  13. One couple here in the resort has one and we have remarked that you seldom see the standards any more. Elegant is a good description.a
