Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January Theme Day: Photo Of The Year

The January theme day for the City Daily Photo Blog community is "photo of the year" and I chose this pic from May just because I like it and it seems to have a story going on. Is he waiting for someone? Have they already left? Or .....? I also like the squirrel sign and squirrels do appear fairly often on this blog.  
Taking part in the January theme. Click HERE to see more "Photos of the year" from around the world.

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. It's a beautiful photo! Happy New Year Pat!

  2. Street photography. You should try more.

  3. Nice choice for the theme.
    Happy New Year 2019, Pat !

  4. As you know, I love these kinds of photos. Actually, though, this poor fellow is working through a hangover and he's a little upset with all the noise the local squirrels are making. It's a very cool photo and perfect for the theme!;

  5. I'm wondering if the squirrel can eat that whole bagel. The man sitting having a coffee is wondering if he should join the yarn club. :) The perfect photo for the theme, I love it. Happy New Year, Pat.

  6. Happy New Year to you too and yes that is a wonderful photo of the year. I think what it means for me is, reflection. You just know this man is highly and deeply in thought. One picture spells so much!

  7. Thought-provoking photo for all people watchers. I'm also partial to squirrels -- as long as they stay in trees and leave my gardens alone. Happy New Year!

  8. Squirrel, coffee shop, and yarn club sounds like a perfect trifecta. Good choice. Happy New Year.

  9. It is a different photo from many of the ones you show. This one makes us all wonder,. Waiting? Sad? Or just having a coffee and not much going on. (BTW, I giggled at the knitting club sign behind him.) Have a very happy new year, RedPat. When are you going to post a photo of yourself? Your public demands it . . .

  10. I like this shot. I like the mystery man...and the squirrel. The mystery man is pretending he's at a cafe in Paris, remembering a fine croissant...and the squirrel he shared it with. Happy New Year!

  11. Happy new year again and indeed its a great photo. Also nice street photography.

  12. Hello,

    it is a great photo for the year. Happy New Year to you, I wish you all the best in 2019!

  13. Happy New Year! Nice to see someone enjoying their surroundings and not on a cell phone.

  14. Such a cool dude. Happy New Year, RedPat.
