Saturday, January 5, 2019

Smart Creature

This is a bird feeder that is meant to be squirrel proof and works by closing up the entrance to the seeds when a squirrel puts its weight on that bottom bar.  This very smart red squirrel has figured out that if he stays up on the top bar he can reach down and get seeds without the entrance closing. He is small enough to do it that way. Some of the black squirrels who are larger have found if they hang onto the chimney with a back foot they can reach down and get seeds without stepping on the bar but they can only hang on for a short time and then they fall. It is great fun to watch.
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Squirrels are not only cute, but also very clever and that's why I like them very much. The bird feeder is charming. Greetings.

  2. What a riot! You could do a YouTube video and make thousands of dollars. These little rascals are great fun to watch and they're very smart.

  3. We have the special feeders that close off too but they sure love to keep trying! Cute photo!

  4. Sorry, I forgot to respond to your question. Yes, this is what you'd call a duplex. In Stone Creek we called them "Twin Homes" because they were identical, just reversed. Here they are not the same but close.

  5. Happy happy New Year Pat! Have just been back to check missed posts, looove the shot you picked for the January theme, excellent choice. It's always fun to see your cheeky squirrels here, clever wee rascals 😉

  6. What fun watching squirrels figure out ways of defeating squirrel-proof feeders. They usually do figure out something. The makers of feeders should have resident squirrels on staff to help them with their design.

  7. Clever squirrel. Happy New Year!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. There is no such thing as a squirrel-proof feeder!
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Squirrel proof only lasts until the devious little critters work out a solution to the problem. And they always do!

  11. Intelligent Squirrel! We should also buy such a device for us. We bought a squirrel feed device. The squirrels have not been in the yard, so we don't know if the squirrel can use it.Have a nice evening

  12. Lovely and colorful photo of the 'smart squirrel' ~ they are bright!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Shows just how clever these little critters can be when it comes to food.

  14. Clever squirrel, and so cute !

  15. Clever and cute. I wonder who thought this would be a squirrel proof feeder, obviously false advertising. :)

  16. It's amazing what these little guys can do.

  17. Squirrels are so clever! I don't think there is a birdfeeder that can baffle them completely.

  18. And so nice that they are red. Very cute.

  19. They are as clever as they are crafty!

  20. Hello, the squirrels always find a way, they are smart. So sorry I am late commenting. I am just back from my trip away and catching up. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day and week ahead. I also appreciate your visit and comment.
