Thursday, January 31, 2019

Snowy Laneway

This is a typical scene in one of our laneways in the older parts of the city although this one is a bit wider than usual since it backs on commercial buildings on the right. When we get snow the city doesn't clear the laneways so we all depend on the trails that get worn down by cars and if the snow gets really deep it becomes a neighbourhood cooperative with everyone shoveling behind their own garage. At least that is the theory since there will always be someone who does nothing. We finally got snow about a week ago.


  1. Hello,

    It is great the neighbors all help with the shoveling. Hubby and I do our driveway but when it is deep our neighbor will help by using his plow. I am thankful for nice neighbors. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead.

  2. Like the patches of sunlight and shadow in your photo. Every city has its snow removal customs.

  3. I texted my friend who works in Toronto during the week to make sure he wasn't freezing and he said it was actually warmer in Toronto than it was in Chicago. Still very cold, but not as bad as the Chicago people have it. Crazy weather!
    Your photo today reminds me of growing up in Illinois. Our street in front of our house would look like this in the winter. The snow plows didn't reach the residential streets.

  4. ...there will always be someone who does nothing, that seems to be the way.

  5. Snow transforms any scene. People used to shovel snow here but nowadays my street is usually left. It only seems to be me who clears the fallen leaves and snow outside my house. And I balk at doing the whole street!

  6. We had snow predicted this week, but we got rain instead.
    Have a great day!

  7. Every neighborhood usually has their system for getting the snow removed. It's easier when people help each other.

  8. Some laneways here are like that this time of year.

  9. A snowy scene - isn't it so much better when people help each other...

    All the best Jan

  10. Nice that neighbors all contribute to the shoveling.

  11. I presume your laneways are the same as our alleys. I like your word better.

  12. This shot makes me grateful: we've had no snow this year. That's fine with me.

  13. This morning it looks the same here in Almere the Netherlands.

  14. You sure did Pat! It looks so pretty but I'm guessing not having experienced it I have a romantic view of snow 😉

  15. Yep, looks like we both got that mysterious lost snow.
