Friday, February 8, 2019

A Reminder

Yesterday I showed you the old house that was incorporated into the large complex surrounding it at U of Toronto. Well, there was another house beside it that did nor survive the new construction. There was a bit of controversy about tearing it down and as an attempt to calm things down the portico from that house was retained and installed in the atrium of the new building "as a reminder of the past nature of St George St", the street where this is all located. I'm not sure if anyone pays attention to the portico but it is quite lovely.


  1. Hello,

    The portico is lovely. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. I am happy that someone was wise enough to save something as a reminder of former grandeur.

  3. It is beautiful. At least something of the place was saved and preserved. I am glad the other house was saved.

  4. It is. Sad that they couldn't see fit to save all of it.

  5. ...saving bit and pieces to build tall monstrosities just doesn't sound right.

  6. Glad they decided to save something from the old building. I think it looks grand but people probably will just walk by it eventually. Maybe they will place a plaque there explaining what it is so people will know.

  7. It's beautiful, which makes me thing there was quite a nice house to go with it. I can imagine it did cause controversy. Too bad the house lost.

  8. Looks like the university demonstrates here what it means to have an ernomous plate in its head.

  9. Thank goodness we notice things like this Pat 😊

  10. It is difficult to balance progress, and the vision of a city.
