Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Another Bookmark

While I was wandering along the Danforth a couple of weeks ago I happened upon another of the Bookmarks from the Project Bookmark Canada endeavor which places parts of texts at the exact physical location as they are set in the fictional world. Click HERE for more info. This one is from "In The Skin Of A Lion" by Michael Ondaatje, a Booker Prize-winning author, and the location is right beside the Prince Edward Viaduct which I will show you tomorrow. This one is Bookmark #1 and I think there are a few more in Toronto which I will have to look for.
 Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. ello,

    I think these bookmarks are a great idea! Wishing you a happy day!

  2. What a great idea to place Bookmarks in these places. Fine offering for Signs, Signs.

  3. Smashing idea, execution, and post, P!

  4. I love this idea. Great discovery, Pat.

  5. This would be such a great project for a book group: track down each bookmark and then read the work it references.

  6. Yes indeed a great idea already recognized by so many people. Hope it will find a way into other countries.

  7. Always a good idea to provide interesting information in this way.

  8. This looks interesting. And I loved that book.

  9. Such a cool project! I just looked up all the bookmarks!! Oh how I wish I knew about this when I was living in Mississauga!!!! What wonderful exploration this could have caused!

  10. What a cool idea. Ondaatje was supposed to be at a Naples event in two weeks but he canceled. Hope he isn't ill.
