Friday, February 15, 2019

Pretty In The Snow

One day last week when the temperature was just around freezing a sudden bout of snow flurries occurred and the snow stuck to all of the fine branches of the trees in the garden of the Veterans Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. The world became a wonderland for a short while until the wind cleared all of the snow off.


  1. One of the most diverse winters I have seen in a long time.

  2. Hello, the snow is pretty when it first comes down. Enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  3. I remember when that used to happen when I was a kid and it always looked so magical. I liked the muffled silence too!

  4. can be so changeable.

  5. You caught one of the magic moments of winter.

  6. I love snow when it first falls, it is so pretty and white. Then it gets to be dirty and everyone wants it to disappear.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Pat.

  7. When I saw the title of this post I thought it would be a picture of you making a snowman or somesuch.

  8. I'm learning more of the moods of snow. You indeed caught a transient, pretty one here.

  9. That's when the snow is the prettiest Pat.. not that I'm a snow expert 😉

  10. Again I have to pause at the beauty in this photo, even though this winter that has gone rogue and so many of us are ready to boot it out completely, this picture here is why we that live in snow country stay.
