Saturday, March 2, 2019

Lunch In The Snow

I took this pic in the middle of a mini blizzard that didn't last long and didn't stop the birds from having a bit to eat. The Chickadee and the Downy Woodpecker were already settled in when the Goldfinch decided to get in on the action so he is a bit out of focus since he was moving so fast. He eventually landed above the woodpecker and they all had their fill.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Beautiful wintry photo of our feathered friends ~ Be warm ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. A good bird restaurant and by the look of it with a lot of customers. Very

  3. Hello, it is great to get the three different birds in the one photo. I love the woodpecker, goldfinch and the cute chickadee. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank also for leaving me a comment.

  4. How neat to see several at the same time. They were hungry! Hope the sun has come out and brightened your day today!

  5. They've got to keep up the energy levels when snow starts to fly.

  6. It most assuredly looks like smack in the middle of a blizzard, which we've been experiencing a lot around here too!

  7. Lovely snow scene. Glad it didn't last too long or put the birds off their feeding.

  8. You are going to have to get a tiny snow shovel to clear the snow from the feeders!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. A good eatery can't keep the customers away even in the snow. :)

  10. This shows the value of having eateries for the birds, especially in this kind of weather. I love this shot.

  11. That looks a lot like my feeders do in the snow.

  12. Nice to see they are getting help to survive the winter. Last week there was a Red Winged Blackbird at my feeder. Could that be a sign of an early spring?

  13. Fascinating to see them just getting on with it Pat, such sweet little birds.
    P.s. Tomorrow we're heading for a top of 39C 😱 but Aimee and I are heading down to Cottesloe at 6am, we'll be home before it heats up.. quite unusual temps for March ✨
