Saturday, April 20, 2019

A Mouthful

I caught this little Red Squirrel in deep shade on a sunny day and he was moving quickly so the pic is not the sharpest but he looked so cute that I'm posting it anyway. He grabbed a peanut from the feeder, sat for 1/2 a second and then was off to eat it somewhere else. The red ones are so tiny compared to our grey & black squirrels.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    Cute squirrel. The red squirrels are prettier than our plain gray squirrel.
    The Jays should love that peanut feeder. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend! Happy Easter!

  2. This is a great shot Pat! He looks so cute with the peanut in his mouth. It reminds me of those mountain jays I used to watch years ago when they would clean out the peanut feeder one nut at a time. My friend would fill it at 10:00 AM, by 10:30 it was empty. They had organized an assembly line. (Maybe that's disassembly line.)

  3. Starting to see the squirrels out in Missouri.

  4. If this red squirrel is so small, he has to be fast. Good you were able to get a photo of him.

  5. Very cute, you got the wee squirrel in action. Fantastic shot!

  6. Love this photograph :)

    All the best Jan

  7. It may not be razor sharp but it's a beautifully framed shot of this sweet little guy or gal. I really like it. (By the way, I don't think I've seen a magnolia tree in blossom yet - we don't have many around here. Our dogwoods aren't blooming yet, either. Everything's late because we had so much snow in February.)

  8. Oh my gosh that's quite a mouthful Pat, gorgeous wee critter and well done for being so quick on the click ✨

  9. Nice capture. Never easy to get these fast movers.
