Tuesday, April 9, 2019

One Mystery Solved

I spotted this cute scarecrow with the pumpkin head on the door of a pub along St Clair Ave W and took the pic because I liked it but couldn't figure out why it was there. When I got the pic up large on the computer I could see that the hat has the word Beau's on it which is a local craft brewery. It turns out this little figure appears on the label of an autumn brew called Weiss O'Lantern, a pumpkin flavoured Weiss. I'm not sure about pumpkin flavoured beer.


  1. I don't don't like pumpkin pie but I would give pumpkin beer a try.

  2. Hello,
    Not sure if I would like pumpkin beer. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  3. LOL! I don't drink at all so I have no clue what it would taste like but my family loves any pumpkin beer so there is that! HA! Annster's Domain

  4. Pumpkin beer does not appeal to me but, that little guy with the pumpkin head is pretty darn cute.

  5. Actually I've tried some, pumpkin spice and even a chocolate brew, with all these craft beer places popping up everywhere it's readily available! I like his cute little guy too!

  6. This little guy is really cute, Pat !

  7. Pumpkin beer doesn't sound good to me. I like the little guy on the window.

  8. Cute logo, but ewwww... I not only am not sure about pumpkin beer, but I know I’d hate it. Based on the time I tried pumpkin flavored coffee.... that flavor is so overdone ...

  9. Lots of craft breweries with interesting flavours...I am willing to try them lol

  10. That is a good looking graphic figure, but I would have to taste pumpkin flavored beer before giving an opinion.

  11. Uh-huh. I'm with you. Pumpkin flavored beer. Weird. :-)

  12. Didn't Harry Potter and friends drink some sort of pumpkin concoction? I decided to try a Canadian heather ale last week. I don't know if it was flavored with heather but it was delicious.

  13. Buena publicidad hace la cervevecería. Salud 🍺🍺 Pat 😉
    Un abrazo.

  14. He is a little cutie Pat, but pumpkin beer, I don't think so 😀
