Sunday, May 19, 2019

In The Pink

This stone house in the Forest Hills neighbourhood was looking so pretty with the flowering trees that I had to pull over for a pic. We have had a cool spring so the flowers and blossoms are a bit late and have been lasting longer than normal which is nice. It looks like that is a cherry blossom tree on the right and a magnolia on the left which hasn't yet totally opened.


  1. Beautiful!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Hello, the flowering trees are beautiful. Love the home too. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day. Wishing you a great new week ahead.

  3. Oh I don't blame you for stopping. Such a pretty sight. The trees and the house.

  4. This great looking house is even better with all the blossoms on those threes.

  5. Wow! It really is enough to stop traffic, especially after the long winter you've had. What a pretty sight.

  6. Looks so pretty, the blossoms compliment the light brickwork perfectly 🌸 Happy first day of summer Pat ✨

  7. there is no thrill like a northern spring!

  8. This house and its spring foliage would fit in very nicely in many urban parts of New England, including Hartford.
