Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May Theme Day: "Purple"

After two days of blue today I will show you purple since the May theme for the City Daily Photo  Blog community is "Purple". It is rather unusual to find a mural in purple but this painted utility box by artist Muisca fits the bill. That looks to be a rather abstract cat face painted in yellow don't you think?  
Taking part in the may theme "Purple". Click HERE to see more examples from around the world.


  1. I think you're right Pat, a groovy cat surrounded in purple perfect for the theme 😉

  2. This truly is a colorful theme photo. Great find!

  3. Very nice. And, I like the yellow cat peeking out from all that purple.

  4. A perfect photo for the theme. Great utility box art work.

  5. I was thinking of decorating our fence in purple this month!

  6. Hello, great find for the purple theme. Love the colorful painting. Enjoy your day! Happy May to you!

  7. Perfect find for you, Pat. A mural on a utility box painted purple, looks great and perfect for the theme.

  8. A nice choice and it's nicely done.
