Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A Conversion Update

I first showed you these old Victorian houses in April of 2015 (HERE) when they were nothing but a facade from the original buildings. When you go back to the link follow the link there to see them as they were originally. Well I was in the neighbourhood to see a car show and dropped by to see the finished product. I must say that I was pleased to see how they rebuilt the skins of the homes and they are now used as entrances to the curvy glass tower behind. A Good Conversion!


  1. What a really interesting travel back in time Pat 😊 I agree they've done an excellent job here which is always a treat to see.

  2. Oh yes, I agree! They did a nice job of preserving those facades.

  3. A job well done, it looks great.

  4. Hello,

    That is really nice way to preserve the original building. I like ti!

    Wishing you a happy day!

  5. I agree. In a crazy kind of way, it does seem to work.

  6. I wouldn't have thought these buildings were remotely related to each other. Well done!

  7. I agree...well done in keeping those old facades.

  8. Buena mezcla de estilos Pat.
    Un abrazo.
