Friday, June 21, 2019

In The Parlour

This is the parlour in Spadina House which is so well decorated in 1920s style. Can't you just see ladies in their fine 20s clothing lounging around in here? Actually this weekend at Spadina House they have the Great Gatsby Garden Party when guests are encouraged to arrive in 1920s finery for a day of music, dancing and picnicking in the extensive gardens surrounding the house.


  1. ...the parlour is a term from the past and this sure fits the bill.

  2. Enorme para mí Pat 😊 Mejor más pequeñito.
    Buena foto.
    Un abrazo.

  3. That Great Gatsby Garden Party sounds like fun! What a pretty room.

  4. From your photo it is easy to picture a life of ease and civility, but the 1920s was a time of change and challenge to the old order. It was the jazz age with bobbed hair, flappers, and automobiles replacing horses.

  5. Gorgeous and the perfect place for the Great Gatsby Garden Party.

  6. This looks quite fab to me. I love this type of decor and the old house. Thanks for asking about my bees. They are doing well, and I need to post about them. Have a great weekend!

  7. It would be fun to lounge around on that furniture and I would LOVE to be at The Great Gatsby shindig.,

  8. I'm sorry but all I could think of was "bordello". But then, I don't get out much.

  9. That trim around the ceiling looks makes me think of cake decoration. I can imagine people in 20s clothing but I can't imagine them being very comfortable on that furniture.

  10. Hello,

    It is a pretty room with lovely decor. Not my style though.

    ENjoy your day and weekend!

  11. Love love looooove this Pat, oh how fabulous to go to a Great Gatsby garden party, I can just picture the scene 💙

  12. Years ago I had sofas in a pattern like that. What was I thinking?

  13. I was going to make a Great Gatsby comment before reading this lol!
