Friday, July 26, 2019

A Walkup

In the older parts of the city you can often find small walkup apartment buildings like this one which are nestled in the middle of blocks of single family homes. They have gone out of favour in the newer parts of the city but there is a move afoot to encourage more of them in hopes of providing more rental units that are not in large towers. This beauty is found on Palmerston Blvd just north of College St in Little Italy.


  1. Some of the large older houses here have been transformed into apartments, too. I like the older architecture styles better than the modern apartment buildings.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. It looks like each apartment has a big balcony which would make it very appealing to me.

  3. Beautiful architecture. I like the balconies.

  4. Hello,

    I like this style of apartments with the balconies. It is a pretty building. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  5. I love that building, it's unique!

  6. There's a good amount of these buildings here too.

  7. This has SO much more character than a typical apartment building or condo!
