Friday, July 19, 2019

Little Italy Infill

Last Friday I showed you a few of the typical houses found in the Little Italy neighbourhood. It is a popular area and if any space comes free the developers pounce on it and it seems that the usual result lately is that a line of townhouses will appear such as in this pic. This actually shows two different projects as you can tell from the different styles. The section on the left in the pic used to have a small commercial building and the right hand part had a few small houses on it. These places go for over $1million! It will be nice when all of the trees grow up and make it a leafy area.


  1. I think that in some parts of Toronto now you need a million dollars to buy a closet.

  2. And of course such places do not fit in with the surrounding neighbourhood.

  3. Nice homes. With the way prices are going I am glad I am not in the market for a place to live.
    PS: Condo construction on Young St. is in high gear. I think the Brass Rail's days are numbered.

  4. They have lots of windows....that's a plus! lol

  5. Nice homes in a beautiful area, pity they are so expensive.

  6. They are both very attractive and look like nice places to live. However, as I always wonder in these cases, where to the people who don't have a million dollars live.

  7. Yes, this is a familiar style now, P. Nicely shot.

  8. Cuando crezcan tendrá una linda arboleda.
    Un abrazo.

  9. Some nice places there but rather spendy. I guess you won't see any riff raff there. :)

  10. Amazing!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. If this use to be an Italian neighborhood that will change rapidly with these high priced residences. So much for neighborhood character.

  12. Gee, these townhouses look nice enough...but over a million &!?! Ouch!

  13. You can make something nice with that lot of money.

  14. Hello,

    They are cute homes. Too pricey for me! Happy weekend!

  15. They look pretty and neat but quite pricey! Even then I suppose there will always be buyers who can afford it!

  16. Hmm, just a million dollars you say. . .

  17. Well they are nice but I wouldn't ever want to pay that much for them!
