Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Naming A Laneway

For the last few years the city has been putting names on the many laneways that run through the older parts of the city. This helps emergency services to find the lanes and by referencing local history it helps to build a community spirit. This laneway was named after Gustav Ciamaga who was a long-time resident of his neighbourhood and a distinguished member of the musical community (read about him HERE). He was also a dear friend of mine and it is lovely to see him honoured like this.  
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. That's nice that a local person was honoured with a lane named after him. Great that he was your friend too Pat.

  2. I've seen this same thing done here occasionally. It's a great idea. I read Ciamaga's bio on the link. He sounds like he was a very talented and creative person.

  3. Naming the laneways is all new to me. Even Google maps have not picked up on them.

  4. Hello,

    A laneway name seems important for the rescue and emergency services. Have a great day!

  5. Lovely tribute to a talented man.

  6. This must make your heart swell with pride whenever you walk by.
    I hope it is a pretty lane way :)

  7. ...neat to have a street named after you.

  8. He certainly is deserving of tribute. How nice to be able to call such an accomplished man a friend.

  9. It's great to see local luminaries honoured in this way. Perhaps we should do a little more of this while people are still alive, as we now do on postage stamps.

  10. Nice honor! Some years ago my state made a big effort to get road names posted in clear letters. The result included some odd names but overall the signs are a big improvement over the mish mash that we had before.

  11. What an excellent way to honour someone!

  12. Es bueno el recuerdo a los vecinos.
    Un abrazo.
