Wednesday, July 3, 2019

P.A.T. Central

PAT Central is a large Korean grocery store on Bloor St W in the Koreatown area. It is full of traditional Korean foods & treats as well as some Japanese and Chinese items especially treats. There is also a cool mural visible up on the side of the building next door but it is impossible to get the whole thing into the frame. And that is one of our postal delivery trucks out front.
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  1. Gosto da fachada desta central, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  2. Lots of interesting goodies in there Pat. Your postal vans look so fresh and efficient!

  3. Colorful photo, and I like the mural. Wonder what P.A.T. stand for? Perhaps it is something in Korean.

  4. There is a lot to see in this photo. I like that mural and I bet I would enjoy shopping in that store. I used to shop occasionally at an Asian market in Chandler and I loved seeing all the interesting items. I even picked up a few sauce packets for making some tasty stir-fries.

  5. daughter-in-law shops there when she's in Toronto.

  6. A pretty colourful photo. I like the mural too. It's frustrating when you can't get the whole image in a photo because it's blocked by something or in a bad location. You captured a great everyday city image. Well done, Pat.

  7. I would like to shop in there. Sounds good!

  8. It's about time there was a Korean grocery store in TO!
    I like to shop at T&T, but not sure how much Korean food is there.

  9. Great mural even if it is partially hidden.
    I don't think I've seen a Canadian postal truck before. I like it.

  10. I don't think I've ever bought anything in a Korean shop.
    I like the mural too, what a pity it can't be seen in its entirety.

  11. It is a white PAT. Not a Red PAT. BTW, when are you going to show a photo of you?
