Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Garrison Creek

Garrison Creek was a stream about 5 miles long that once ran through the west end of the city down to Lake Ontario. In the 1880s parts of it were buried or diverted into the sewer system and by the 1920s the whole creek was buried. You can see the results of the creek's past existence in various ravines and in places like Christie Pits park. There has been a move afoot for several years to try to uncover part of the creek and in many places along its former path you can find these plaques marking its presence underground. This plaque was found in the Regal Heights neighbourhhood just south of St Clair Ave W. More from that area tomorrow.   
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. I wonder how they would go about uncovering it and coaxing it to flow above ground again. It sounds like a worthy cause.

  2. Interesting history of this lost creek. Cities have a way of doing things like this.

  3. I have heard of these under ground creeks but never realized they had plaques.

  4. That would be pretty neat if they did uncover it! We once visited a museum in Missouri which was about a cargo ship that was discovered in a farmers field...where it ran aground years and years ago before the river changed course. .... it’s too bad about the Signs meme! I’ve enjoyed it ... and it’s where I first discovered your blog, which is great every day!

  5. Yes, many such streams were hidden. Nice to recognize it, P!

  6. It's nice that the lost creek is marked by these plaques.

  7. looks interestingdiffferent from Europe

  8. Nice marker for perhaps the most well known of the lost rivers.
    Tom has offered to take over Signs, Signs, starting next week. I am so glad as I didn't really want it to die off, I was just frustrated with the link problems.

  9. ...urban rivers seem disappear with time. I guess that the real estate is just too valuable.

  10. Nice recognition for this lost creek.

  11. I hope it can be brought back to life. So much wildlife depends on these water sources. We had a dam removed on a river west of us that has led to a restored salmon run and flourishing wildlife. It's exciting.

  12. Hello,

    It is a nice looking plaque. I am not sure why they would want to bury a creek. Have a happy day and a great weekend ahead!

  13. Amazing to think that it might still be flowing under there Pat and good that the markers are there just in case ✨

  14. Buena idea seƱalar por donde pasa.
    Un abrazo.
