Wednesday, August 28, 2019


There are three universities in Toronto, The University of Toronto, York University, and Ryerson University. This is a pic of one area of Ryerson which is centrally located downtown and being the youngest university always seems to have some construction going on.  
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  1. ...I seems like All colleges and universities are having a building boom! Ryerson University is new to me, but when I was in business I did business with Ryerson Steel. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your day.

  2. I knew about the other two universities, but not Ryerson. Interesting sign.

  3. That is one university I hadn't heard of before. I agree with Tom, universities seem to be growing all the time. Here in Arizona, it is constant.

  4. I passed through Ryerson when I was down there last. I know it's been several years since they got upped to university status.

  5. I was there when the first Ryerson grads graduated after we were given University status!
    It was 1979, and I was pregnant with my first child!

  6. I like the sign. The location is probably a great one for students living in the heart of the city, they would have easy access.

  7. I really like the sign, very simple and elegant, me thinks.

    My Signs

  8. Quite a contrast between the two buildings.

  9. Simple, clean, contemporary.

  10. Hello,

    The new building is cool, I like the shape. Neat sign for the university.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead!

  11. The building behind looks familiar Pat, I'm sure we have one just like it in Perth 😉
