Thursday, September 19, 2019

Another View

This is a view of yesterday's Jackman Law Building taken from the far left corner of the structure showing the courtyard and mature trees that have been protected throughout the construction. It is very hard to get permission in Toronto to cut down a tree and one must put up protective fencing to protect them or face large fines if they are injured during the building process.


  1. Hello,

    Pretty view of the building and sky! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend ahead.

  2. Pretty scene!
    Have a great day!

  3. It has the look of a law building Pat.. so happy to hear the trees survived, that doesn't always happen here 🌲

  4. So much the better if they're protected.

  5. Wish we had a similar law. Trees are so important.

  6. It looks beautiful from this angle. It's good to know that Toronto is so careful about it's trees. So many parts of the world are being so careless about the trees and their importance.

  7. It is good that they protect the trees. Takes a long time to grow a large tree.

  8. I like this view and glad no trees were harmed in the making of the building.

  9. A wonderful view, I like it too.

  10. had a gorgeous day to photograph beautiful building.

  11. The same is true in the community I just left. One must always ask permission and get approval before cutting down a tree.

  12. This is a very nice scene.
    Trees have value in so many ways. I'm glad Toronto recognizes that.

  13. They do a good job of this in Vancouver, as well, where our kids live.
