Saturday, September 21, 2019

Population Recovery?

I have seen more Monarch Butterflies this year than I have in ages. It seems that every time I go outside there is one fluttering about often quite high in the air and heading south. Off to Mexico I hope! 
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. What a gorgeous photo! I've never seen so many butterflies as this year but still no Monarchs!

  2. Oh my goodness! I went back to look at a photo I took of a butterfly this week and it IS a Monarch. Not a very clear photo but I think it is one! Thanks for the good ID!

  3. They are so beautiful and their whole migration so mysterious. I would love to see their spot in Mexico one day.

  4. Hello,

    Beautiful capture of the Monarch! I hope their population is recovering. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day. Wishing you a great weekend!

  5. They are so pretty to see. Nice capture, Pat.

  6. Beauty personified. Or butterflied.

  7. Great photo!
    I have not seen a Monarch yet this year, but perhaps I will see some migrants on their way south.

  8. Hello Again!
    Just a note on the Jimmy Buffet book - it is a biography written by Ryan White. I have just started reading it, and I am not sure I will like it. It rambles around a lot, making it hard to follow. Maybe it will get better as I get farther into it. My advice: do not buy it, check it out from the library.

  9. Yes, yes, yes! Lots of butterflies, lots of monarchs.

  10. Great shot!
    I've been too preoccupied this summer to look for butterflies but I sure have liked your and Jack's monarch shots.

  11. This is the first good news I have heard about Monarch Butterflies in a long time. Lovely photo with that cone flower.

  12. I've seen plenty of butterflies this year. The parks around here are leaving "weedy" areas to benefit our pollinators and I think this is helping.

  13. Beautiful shot Pat.. I was so excited when I snapped one at the weekend ✨
