Monday, October 21, 2019

The Player

It isn't often that you find a mural with an accordion player as the feature element but I found this one on College St. It looks as if someone had tagged it at some point in the past but I still like it. The artists for this one are Jerry Silverberg & Eleanor Berenson.  
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    I enjoy seeing these painted utility boxes, love the player mural. Enjoy your day, have a happy new week!

  2. I love all the utility box murals in your city. It's such a great idea. You are right, an accordion player is truly a rare subject.

  3. It's great to see that more and more utility boxes are being beautified with murals. What a pity about the tagging, but it's still a great one. Thanks for participating Pat.

  4. Very cool - you can almost hear the music!

  5. I like it too. Another artsy utility box, YAY!

  6. Nice one Pat. Now days even real live accordion players are rare.

  7. As the tagging shows, accordion players don't get much respect. Nice find, though.

  8. Colorful and very appealing. Works well as a mural on a utilitarian object!

  9. Gorgeous colours Pat, I can see why it caught your eye. Bloomin' taggers!

  10. It's really a lucky find and quite pretty and colorful, too.

  11. I think I hear the music! Beautiful artwork!
