Friday, November 22, 2019

Old Paper

Twice a year there is The Old Paper Show which takes place at the Wychwood Barns. They feature vintage books and paper of all kinds. Thousands of old postcards - who knew there were so many people who collect old postcards! It was great fun to wander about looking at old magazines, etc. You can read more info HERE.


  1. That would be fun to look around. I have a stack of old post cards that I inherited but I don't collect them myself. However, I do like to look through them every now and then.

  2. How fantastic! I think I could easily start collecting postcards Sharon, not minimalistic though is it 😉

  3. I always mark this to see but somehow never have!

    I have a large postcard collection that I have plans to scan some day...

  4. I could no doubt get into collecting old postcards. They're fascinating. I'm trying to get rid of clutter though, not add to it!

  5. ...items meant to be ephemeral can have lasting interest.

  6. Hello,

    This show sounds interesting. I would love to see all the old postcards.

    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

  7. If I had known there were vintage books I might have even driven to Toronto for the event.

  8. I love old post cards, so I would have a great time at this show. I use to have a Smith Corona typewriter just like the one in your picture. Kids today have no idea what a typewriter was.

  9. One man's (woman's) trash is another man's (woman's) treasure.

  10. Old post cards are interesting especially if it has a message someone wrote on it and mailed to their friend or relative. I used to collect them yers ago.

  11. That is interesting. I'd not heard of this!

  12. Hey! I've got some I could contribute. :-)

  13. It doesn't surprise me that draws people in.

  14. I love this kind of stuff. Don't have much of it around here :(

  15. I would love that!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Its always wonderful when you are somewhere and just comes across such an unexpected treasure trove of memories...

  17. Siempre se encuentra algún recuerdo en estos sitios.
    Un abrazo

  18. Neat! I love vintage postcards and greeting cards!
