Saturday, November 2, 2019

Sun Bathers

I was standing talking to a friend in a small parking lot and noticed over his shoulder these two House Sparrows sunbathing up against the curb. It was a cool day but the sun was really strong so they were quite toasty. They looked at us and thought "We aren't moving"! When we left they were still there.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Good catch. These sparrows know how to keep warm.

  2. Such cute little guys. We had a sudden cold front come through last week so I was doing the same thing, standing in the sun to keep warm.

  3. Smart wee birds, they know how to get warm. :)
    Nice shot, Pat!

  4. They do look very content! We should all sit in the sun from time to time!

  5. I think they were waiting for you to deliver a drink - something tall with an umbrella in maybe.

  6. They are so cute sitting there like that!

  7. When you find that good spot you stick to it Pat, a really cute shot ✨

  8. Hello,

    They are cute, they found a nice warm spot to sit. Sorry, I am late visiting your post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your critters. I hope you have a happy day and weekend ahead.
