Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Teddy In Autumn

While I was walking through the Wychwood Park neighbourhood I realized that I hadn't shown Teddy in a long time and was surprised to discover that it has been since April 2012 the last time he appeared here. A lot of bushes and trees have gown up around the border of the property where he lives so it was hard to get a clear shot and as you can see the focus was more on the branch than on Teddy. He still looks cool though. You can see him in spring HERE. His artist is John McEwen and you can see more of his work if you click the label below.


  1. Teddy looks like he might get cold out there in the elements.

  2. A sculpture that makes you look twice.

  3. Poor Teddy, all alone in the cold...

  4. I love Teddy whatever the season Pat, very cool having a nap there..would be funny to see in winter covered in snow 😊

  5. Hello,

    Teddy will be sleeping through the winter. Cute sculpture. Enjoy your day, wishing you a good week ahead!

  6. How do I get one of these for my lawn?
    óÔÔò Ê•·͡á´¥·Ê” óÔÔò

  7. What a unique sculpture. I thought Teddy was a discarded teddy bear animal somebody lost. I looked back at your previous post and looked at that photo. I hadn't seen Teddy before but glad to know him now. :) He sleeps and rests now so I'll say goodbye until next time. :)

  8. I too thought it was a kid's toy that was lost! He is sunbathing in vain, it would seem.

  9. Teddy seems to be resting comfortably.

  10. Too long at the tavern, perhaps? :^)

  11. Interesting piece of art!! Unique for sure. How big is it?

  12. My first thought was . . . uh, oh! Tragedy. :-)

  13. Like others, my first thought was that the little teddy bear looks lonely without its child. The link back to the previous image educated me.
