Thursday, December 5, 2019

Casa Loma Walkway in Autumn

I showed you this walkway beside Casa Loma back in the summer and thought I had better show it in autumn before I start showing deep snowy pics. People walking along here have just climbed the 110 steps up from Davenport Rd and are often a wee bit winded. You can see the walkway in summer and spring HERE.


  1. about, 'down the straight and narrow!'

  2. Looks beautiful. I haven't been in that area for years. The last time was for a wedding held at Casa Loma. It was a pretty swanky affair, but sadly the couple were separated less than two years later.

  3. That is quite beautiful. The one thing I miss about living in the Midwest is the long walks in the fall surrounded by beautiful trees.

  4. Lots of walking space Pat. Keeps one in shape.

  5. Hello,

    It is a beautiful walkway in the Autumn, the trees are lovely.
    I hope you are having a great day!

  6. A delightful place to spend some time, even in a photo

  7. What a pretty walkway. Autumn highlights its beauty.

  8. I think this is my favorite season for this view. Summer's nice. But the colors here are beautiful.

  9. Bet noone regrets the climb though Pat, looks so pretty in autumn 🍁
