Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Posh Triangle

I took this pic a while ago and never used it although I really like it and especially the way the reflections of the buildings across the road have managed to cut off part of the display of this high end store along Bloor St. And there is a bit of a selfie there!  
Have a safe and fun New Year's Eve!


  1. Lovely shapes, colors and reflections all in one shot. Well done. A Happy and Safe New Year to you and yours.

  2. Just yesterday I took a shot of a window display that I'm sure will show up on my site someday soon. Sometimes they can be irresistible. I love everything about this shot. Have fun New Years Eve!

  3. Quite beautiful.

    Enjoy the final hours of the year.

  4. Hello,

    It is colorful and pretty. Great reflection shot. I wish you and your family all the best in 2020, a Happy & Healthy New Year!

  5. Eye-catching! Wishing you a very happy New Year, filled with rainbows.

  6. Lots to love about this shot. The colors are great and I like how the reflections play on the whole shot. A good way to end the year. Happy new year!

  7. A creative composition! Happy New Year!
