Friday, December 27, 2019

Winter Trees

One nice thing about winter is that you can really see the structure of the trees especially when there are a few highlights of snow on the branches. This was the scene in part of the gardens at Spadina House a week ago.


  1. ...I agree, the winter silhouettes are a delight.

  2. I love this kind of scene. It reminds me of my youth.

  3. I had to run some errands today so I was out of the house for the first time since Christmas Eve. There had been a light (very light) snowfall overnight and it looked wintery and cold. I couldn't wait to get home.

  4. Yes, I've been noticing that, too, lately. Certain species of trees, especially.

  5. The leafy green canopy is always nice but bare silhouettes are a reminder how beautiful trees are.

  6. Me gusta Pat. De momento este año por aquí no hay nieve.
    Un abrazo.
