Tuesday, January 21, 2020


This house in the Casa Loma neighbourhood was purchased a couple of years ago for a couple of million $ and has been undergoing extensive renovations. It is good to see that all of the original stained glass has been retained. It is hard to see in some of the windows but there is stained glass in them all except those on the top floor. I'll have to go back in the summer to see the progress.


  1. Hello,

    It is a beautiful place, I am glad they are keeping the stained glass windows. I would like to see it again when they are finished the renovations. Wishing you a great day!

  2. It's an old beauty Pat, yes please let's keep an eye on it ✨

  3. It's a beautiful place. I wonder if it will be one home or two? I'm amazed at the prices of homes. I don't know how people can afford them and then remodel on top of that. I see it all the time here.

  4. Bringing it back to its glory days. A very nice house and a big project for the owner.

  5. Good to know that someone loves this old house. It has great lines.

  6. The price of housing is going sky high.

  7. I'm always amazed that someone can pay that much money for a house and then spend hundreds of thousands more re-doing it.

  8. This one has great bones. It's going to be a real beauty when the work's complete.

  9. A beautiful house indeed! To have so much money must feel good and safe.

  10. Beautiful architecture!
    Have a great day!

  11. What was normal in the earlier days is not so common anymore but a brave deed to restore the house.

  12. Wow! And that's before the cost of renovations? Sheesh!

  13. Me gusta es una gran casa.
    Un abrazo.
