Thursday, February 27, 2020

Back To The Ice

I'm showing just a couple more posts of ice sculptures form the Bloor Yorkville Ice Fest which had the theme Awesome 80s. Remember when cell phones looked like this? It is hard to believe the changes that have taken place.


  1. Hello,

    Yes, I used to own one of those big old cell phones. I am happy with the changes. Wishing you a happy day and a great weekend!

  2. I do remember. Every now and then I see an old movie where someone pulls out one that looks like this.
    I have tell you something funny, when I first opened your blog and saw the photo, I thought it was a bottle of vodka. I had a good laugh at myself when I figured it out.

  3. Yes, an antique cell phone. At first I thought it was a gin bottle, but now I see it. I have enjoyed seeing the ice sculptures you have posted. Hope there are a few more.

  4. ...there are still phone booths here on Maui.

  5. Pat save a few of the ice photos and post them in July when we complain about being too HOT.

  6. I do; and I remember how much room they took up in your car. :-)

  7. It's amazing to see the changes in technolgy. It changes so fast and then we forget. Super ice carving, I like it.

  8. Heck, I remember when phones had cords!

  9. Yes, these were the beginning of a revolution. The first mobile phone I saw was one my boss had and carried in a large briefcase/small suitcase, almost like what we'd now call a satellite phone.

  10. I like it that the artists have also chosen everyday objects as subjects. That you don't see often.

  11. It doesn't seem all that long ago Pat 😊 The ice sculptures are so well done.

  12. Hehe, thought of a bottle of schnapps or such at first! No I was not that rich to have such a phone.
    Great sculpture (on second look).
