Saturday, February 1, 2020

February Theme: "Streetscape"

The theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Streetscape which posed a bit of a quandary as to what kind of streetscape should I show and then I was walking along and spotted these two kids playing street hockey and the problem was solved. It is quite a Canadian tradition for kids to pull a hockey net out into the street and play hockey with a ball. When a car comes everyone yells "car!" and moves to the side. It was good to see these kids continuing the tradition.  
Taking part in the theme Streetscape. Click HERE to see more streets from around the world.


  1. Like seeing your street action shot. Good to see a tradition continue.

  2. That is perfect for the theme. They are keeping the tradition alive!

  3. Hello,

    Great street capture and scene. It is nice that they play safe and watch out for the cars. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  4. Like streetball in New York and other metropoli.

  5. N ice tom see! Our neighborhood kids spend little time outside; very different when my kids were young!

  6. Perfect.
    a neighborhood street. Looks homey and fun

  7. Good street photography. Human interaction gives it so much more scale and insight in the time of history.

  8. Such a perfect shot for the theme Pat, well spotted! Love those winter trees 💙

  9. These kinds of street scene are so fun to see!
