Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fun For All Ages

It was not just the young kids who were enjoying the sculptures at the Ice Fest. These two ladies had each been studying this one which is a bit hard to make out but is a representation of a Keith Haring piece which showed 2 figures holding up a bright red heart. I love Haring's work so was pleased to see this one.


  1. I'm a fan of Haring also so I like it too.

  2. Also a fan of Haring. Nice to see he is not forgotten.

  3. Hello,

    I love the red heart, very pretty. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week ahead.

  4. Wonderful work! How fun to tour.

  5. I love seeing ice sculptures. When we lived in Alaska, every year there were the world championships where people would compete for their countries. Incredible work and so beautiful to see when they were lit up at night. I love the heart sculpture, very pretty indeed.

  6. Makes me think of what people sometimes say about cold hands but warm hearts; only this seems to be the opposite. :-)

  7. I checked out Keith Haring's work and now see it in the ice. Nicely done!

  8. Always liked Keith Haring's art, so I agree with you about liking this ice sculpture.

  9. It does look fabulous Pat.. love the lady on the right's blue hat šŸ˜Š

  10. Pasear disfrutanso de la exposiciĆ³n de hielo.
    Un abrazo
