Saturday, March 21, 2020

"Toss That Ball"

This dog had been fetching her ball back and forth for quite a while but was still very eager to go after it again. I usually approach this park from the other direction so hadn't noticed the cool mural on this side of the wall which is the backdrop for a garden on the other side. I guess it is a good idea to change your routes occasionally.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    Love the cute dog and the pretty mural. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Stay safe, healthy and happy! Enjoy your day, happy weekend.

  2. Haha … I like the musical mural with animal musicians. Most dogs, however, prefer chasing balls and sticks to playing the violin. :)

  3. Lovely mural with all those musicians !

  4. What a happy dog in front of that great mural. It adds color and a good mood to the park.

  5. There are some dogs that are just truly indefatigable.

  6. That mural is just plain fun! My friend had a golden retriever who knew no limit to fetching the ball. That dog never wanted to stop.

  7. Dogs, Too Cute - Murals, So Colorful - Your Photo, Win Win


  8. That's a really artistic mural! Looks like everyone felt good getting some exercise!

  9. My friend has a dog that will wear you out playing ball. :)

  10. Aww she a cutie! My likes to fetch toys too but he wont give them back .. he makes you chase him LOl

    Following and hugs from NYC

  11. What a colorful surprise. And a happy dog is always a bonus.

  12. Hello. Cute dog. The mural is lovely.

  13. Oh how we love our furry friends! Cute mural!
    Have a blessed day!

  14. Oh that's a cute one Pat, definitely worth changing things up a bit now and then. I've found some really super surprises that way :)
