Saturday, March 14, 2020

Winter Harvest

I thought I had better use up my snowy pics before the spring comes and had never posted this pic of a Junco reaching way out to harvest some seeds from an Echinacea plant. It didn't seem like there were as many Juncos around this winter as usual.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. We always called them Snow birds! They only came around in NC when it snowed! How pretty! Hope this weekend is 'snow free'!

  2. I think the worst of winter is over. I have my fingers crossed. ;-)

  3. Juncos and Nuthatches are birds that stay around all winter. It is snowing here today, but March snow does. not last long.

  4. Hello,

    I have not seen as many Juncos as in past winters. Cute photo!
    Stay safe and healthy! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Reach out for what you want. A smart bird and a great photo!

  6. I love watching the birds pick away for the seeds in plants. This is a very pretty fellow.

  7. It's true, isn't it? Time flies.

  8. Lovely action picture. I like to see what birds and animals do.

  9. What a super shot Pat, I do worry about the birds in winter, even here where it's more wet than cold. But they do seem to survive and adapt really well, thank goodness!

  10. Nice! I haven't seen nearly enough birds this winter; I haven't been outside as much as I'd like.

  11. Could this be the last of the snow for you? Great shot. I hope you have a great week ahead and stay safe from this virus. Thanks for your comments..

  12. Beautiful photo!!!
    Stay healthy
    Greetings Elke
