Tuesday, April 14, 2020

An Urban Graveyard

This is St Michael's Cemetery which is the oldest Catholic cemetery in the city. What is unusual about it is that it is 10 acres right in the middle of a city block surrounded completely by houses and stores except for one narrow driveway. You have to know that is there to find it. This was a pic from February when the snow was still with us.


  1. I looked it up Google Maps. Surrounded and out sight for sure.

  2. I looks very similar to cemeteries back in my home town in Illinois....snow and all. It's interesting that it is completely hidden by the surrounding houses.

  3. There's a similarly hidden cemetery just off of Mill Rd in Cambridge UK, but that was in open country when it was designated and became engulfed by housing at a later date. I don't think I've ever seen such tall grave markers.

  4. Hello,

    I have seen similar cemeteries, surrounded by homes. Love the sky and photo. I hope you are having a good day!

  5. I love the enduring history and significance of such places.

  6. We have some here that just are part of a neighborhood surrounded by homes.

  7. They take a whole new look in the snow

  8. I always think these are the best cemeteries. They are quiet and a bit overlooked.

  9. Cities grow up around cemeteries. There was one in San Francisco that was dug up in the early 20th century and moved south where now it seems almost wall to wall cemeteries.

  10. And Sunny Morning Breakfast and Brunch right across the street!

  11. Yes, I am sometimes surprised, too, when I "find" an old cemetary in the middle of life here.
    And then I think: Good.

  12. Elevándose al cielo.
    Desde casa te mando este abrazo 🙅

  13. Gosh that was an unexpected and unusual discovery Pat, that's an amazing sight in the snow ✨

  14. Terrific shot. I'd have to look it up on google maps.
