Monday, April 20, 2020

Busy As A .....!

The blue pigeons that I have shown the last 2 weeks are in the loading area of a commercial building and this busy beaver is found on the actual loading dock. You have to be impressed by a company that decorates the working area of their building so nicely! I still haven't found the artist name.  
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Yes... to see something like this on a loading dock is impressive. It would be the last place I would think to look for art work.

  2. It seems perfect for this busy guy to be where all the activity takes place. It's a great group of murals.

  3. A lot prettier than most loading bays you see. Not much beavering away being done at the moment though.

  4. Great set of mural and I'm impressing it's in a loading area. I'm sure the workers feel happier seeing such beautiful art every day.
    Thanks for participating Pat.

  5. Hello,

    Great mural, you do find some wonderful murals. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy healthy new week!

  6. Definitely a case of art adding value to the workplace.

  7. The beaver's fur is rendered in a really wonderful style, and I like his contrast with the geometric background. Great mural.

    be well... mae at

  8. So cool to see the busy beaver located in the busy part of the building. Nice find, Pat!

  9. Beavers are wonderful for the environment by creating wetlands that improve the area for other wildlife. These animals should be honored.

  10. Very interesting! You have to really look at it to see that it's a beaver (or at least I did).
    Have a wonderful week!

  11. It's wonderful to be surrounded by art in a workplace. I worked for years in an office surrounded by the original art of our director. It was so nice.

  12. Beautiful.
    So great to make your workers come to such a place, it must make them smile.

  13. Absolutely Pat! I have heard that art in workplaces does have many benefits, gosh he really is a busy beaver 😊
